Port pass request

*REMINDER: For all pass requests, it is mandatory to provide a “Passport” type photo in order to produce the card. The photo must be taken on a white background, in JPG format and without a smile. Thank you for your understanding.

- Requests made with the old PDF form sent by e-mail are no longer processed.

- Please note that all access card applications completed via the web form must be paid by credit card.

- If you represent a company for which several employees need or already have a pass, please contact [email protected] to obtain your access to the company portal and manage all access requests online.

Answers to your questions

  • Personnel of companies working at the Port of Trois-Rivières;
  • Contractors or service providers hired to perform work;
  • Any other person who can justify their presence at the Port of Trois-Rivières two (2) or more times per year.

Employees, customers, suppliers or visitors of companies operating at the Port: the request must be approved, on a sponsorship basis, by a designated person of the company operating at the Port. In doing so, the person approving a request endorses the cardholder’s actions within the secure areas for the duration of the port pass’s validity.

Shipowners, shipping agencies, trucking companies, and other comparable organizations: the port pass request must be approved, on a sponsorship basis, by the company that employs or holds a subcontract with the requesting party.  In doing so, the company approving a request endorses the cardholder’s actions within the port area for the duration of the port pass’s validity.

Duration: The port pass is valid for a period of five (5) years or until revoked by the TRPA.

Payment terms:

  • Only online payment by Visa or MasterCard is accepted. Payments cannot be made at the main gate.
  • Payment will be processed by the TRPA only after all required information has been validated and final approval has been obtained from the TRPA.
  • In all cases: upon acceptance of the request using the completed form, the amount is payable by credit card only, Visa or MasterCard. A confirmation email will be sent to the employer.
  • Replacement costs: in case of lost, stolen, damaged, etc. of the port pass, the payment of fees will also be required by one of the credit cards mentioned above.
  • Any port pass issued that has not been claimed within 180 days is automatically deactivated. No refunds will be issued for deactivated passes.
  • Replacement cost: in case of loss, theft or damage, please note that only online payment by Visa or MasterCard will be accepted.

You will need to have various personal and professional information to complete the form.

  • ALL fields must be completed before submitting your request.
  • The compliance to the conditions related to the issuance of a port pass must have been read and accepted by the person submitting a port pass request.
  • The request MUST include a photo taken using the “Take a capture” button or use the “Upload image” button or a passport-type photo in JPG format, maximum 2 MB, uploaded using the “Upload Image” button.

The photo must show the person’s head and shoulders (bareheaded, without glasses nor smile).

  • The port pass will be issued as soon as possible before being given to the applicant upon presentation of an official identification document: (1) valid driver’s license, (2) health insurance card with photo, (3) passport, (4) photo identification issued by a federal or provincial government.
  • For verification purposes required by law, each port pass must be given directly to the applicant.
  • The port pass always remains the property of the TRPA and must be returned to the TRPA upon request.
  • A port pass will not be recognized as valid beyond its expiration date. A renewal application must be submitted prior to the expiration date. If the renewal request is submitted after the expiration date, it will be processed as a first request and a $50 fee will be charged.

At any time, the TRPA reserves the right to refuse to issue a port pass if it determines that the reasons given in the request are not valid, that these reasons do not justify the possession of a port pass, or if the request file is incomplete.

The port pass is issued to meet the specific needs of each user. These needs are determined by the TRPA. The cards used by the Port of Trois-Rivières are a combination of Prox / RFID / Bluetooth technologies. Depending on the type of access required, the port pass can be used to open gates, open doors or detect the presence of roadside equipment in the Port area.

The holder of a port access pass agrees to comply with the applicable legislation and the Trois-Rivières Port Authority (TRPA) Guidelines. Any non-compliance may result in the revocation of the pass without prior notice.

  1. The port pass is the required identification to be carried by any person wishing to access a restricted area;
  2. In accordance with Transport Canada’s Marine Transportation Security Regulations, the port pass must be worn at all times, and displayed on the outer clothing and above the waist;
  3. The port pass must be shown to the security agent, or a person designated by security, upon request;
  4. Vehicles used to enter a restricted area, as well as their contents, shall be subject to inspection or search at all times;
  5. The port pass is reserved exclusively for use in connection with the holder’s professional duties at the Port and no person may use their port pass outside of their duties;
  6. Any port pass not used for twelve (12) consecutive months will be deactivated and may be reactivated in the same manner as a replacement request;
  7. Port passes cannot be loaned out;
  8. Port passes cannot be modified or altered;
  9. If a port pass is lost or stolen, the holder shall immediately notify the main gate agent
  10. The port pass remains the property of the TRPA and must be returned to the TRPA upon request;
  11. Each port pass that is no longer required must be returned to the TRPA by the holder or their employer for cancellation;
  1. When arriving at a gate, the driver must immobilize his vehicle in front of the port pass reader, activate the opening by passing the port pass in front of the reader and wait until the gate is fully open before moving forward.
  2. The gate remains open long enough to allow only one vehicle passing through. Two vehicles cannot pass through the gate at the same time, therefore, to avoid damage, it is important to wait until the gate closes before moving forward towards the reader.
  3. If a vehicle damages a gate, mechanism, fence or any other property of the TRPA, the driver will be held responsible for the cost of replacement or repairs.
  4. If necessary, an intercom is available at each gate of the main entrance to communicate with the main gate agent.
  5. When the use of the Somavrac scale is required, the vehicles must use the Père-Garnier entrance.
  1. The maximum speed limit throughout the Port’s territory is 30 km/h or as indicated.
  2. The TRPA will issue traffic violation tickets to drivers who do not obey the road signs at the Port of Trois-Rivières.
  3. Failure to comply with traffic regulations and road signals may result in the suspension or revocation of the port pass.

Compliance with the Canadian Labour Code

The secured perimeter of the Port of Trois-Rivières is an intermodal transfer area where cargo is handled, transferred and transported by ship, truck and train. Vigilance and caution are always required.

According to the Canadian Labour Code, employers with operations within the port are responsible for informing all employees and visitors of the safety rules to be observed within the port limits.  These include the wearing of safety helmets, safety vests, safety boots and safety glasses. Employers operating within the Port may establish additional guidelines and instructions to ensure the safety of their employees and visitors.

Port pass request