Trois-Rivières, November 13, 2018 – The Trois-Rivières Port Authority (TRPA) and Innovation et développement économique (IDE) Trois-Rivières recently signed a partnership agreement formalizing their ongoing collaborative efforts and thus establishing concerted development initiatives.
“This represents a new avenue for the Port of Trois-Rivières, the City and the TRPA to collaborate in order to support the economic development of Trois-Rivières. I would also like to acknowledge the excellent work of the IDE Trois-Rivières team,” said Gaétan Boivin, President and CEO of the TRPA, who also highlighted the significance of this announcement as part of the On Course for 2030 development plan.
Three sectors of joint intervention have been identified: the industrial-port zone, international cruises and the riverside area near the city centre. Already, resources are being pooled in these three areas and work is underway.
Although IDE Trois-Rivières and the Port have several common objectives, it requires a collaborative effort to work closely together, each with their own mission, organizational structure and separate jurisdiction. IDE Trois-Rivières and the APTR have set aside their own individual mission in order to focus on a common objective, namely the economic development of Trois-Rivières.
“Over the past few years, we have established a close collaboration that we have decided to formalize with the signing of this agreement, which confirms this merger. Few ports in the world have been able to establish a similar partnership within their communities and I am proud to welcome this level of collaboration with the Port of Trois-Rivières,” said Mario De Tilly, General Manager of IDE Trois-Rivières.
The industrial-port zone includes partnerships in the organization of joint trade missions and the hosting of potential promoters. This area promotes existing businesses that need a nearby port to support partnerships currently using the Port’s infrastructure and equipment. It includes both the port and surrounding properties; e.g. our industrial parks. Following a thorough assessment study, the targeted high-end markets include metal fabrication and assembly, bulk transportation and processing and bio-industry facilities. The financial contributions required to make the Port and city of Trois-Rivières an optimal and chosen logistical solution for investors. It should be noted that the development of the industrial-port zone of Trois-Rivières is the result of a partnership between the City, the Port, IDE Trois-Rivières and the Government of Quebec.
International cruises are also a privileged niche for partners and its growth forecasts are promising. Moreover, the results of the TRPA’s survey of the Trois-Rivières population confirm that the development of this sector of activity is a priority for citizens. Over the next few years, the APTR and IDE Trois-Rivières will work together to significantly increase the number of cruise passengers calling at Trois-Rivières. Currently around 8,000 passengers, the partners are targeting 20,000 passengers by 2030.
The Port’s facilities located on the edge of the Parc portuaire offer excellent potential for the development of recreational, tourism, residential and commercial activities. However, the projects to be carried out must take into consideration the City’s existing heritage and urban planning, the principles of sustainable development, consistency with a future-based approach, reflect the urban dimension of the port and be economically viable. The partners also identified seven orientations that a development should respect:
- To be a port for all Trois-Rivières citizens
- Ensure a connected and unifying riverside promenade
- Present a downtown window from the river and a window on the river from the downtown area
- Offer diversified activities and experiences
- Be a radiant and accessible destination
- Serve as a catalyst for real estate investments that promote the economic, environmental and social development of the city
- Constitute an overall signature that enhances the identity of the environment
The TRPA has taken steps with Transport Canada to obtain the authority to carry out such a development. This will be followed by consultations that will lead to the definition of a development concept that will then be the basis for a process of soliciting expressions of interest from private sector developers.
The City of Trois-Rivières has entrusted Innovation et Développement économique Trois-Rivières with a vital role: to advance and coordinate economic development across the entire Trois-Rivières region. In this sense, the Port of Trois-Rivières, a true gateway to international trade, intends to continue to play a leading role by contributing significantly to the city’s expansion and international influence.
About the Port of Trois-Rivières
As one of 18 Canada Port Authorities, and active since 1882, the Port of Trois Rivières offers a wide range of facilities and services to the marine industry at all seasons. It is an important player in economic development at the regional, national and international levels for major industrial sectors such as aluminium, forestry and agri-food. The Port of Trois-Rivières welcomes 55,000 trucks, 11,000 railcars and more than 200 merchant and cruise ships annually from some 100 ports in more than 40 countries around the world. It handles more than 3 million metric tons of traffic and generates nearly 1000 direct jobs.
About IDE Trois-Rivières
IDE Trois-Rivières is a one-stop, a front-line service offered to business people. The City of Trois-Rivières has entrusted him with several mandates, including industrial development, entrepreneurship, social economy, tourism, as well as the management of the airport, industrial parks and the Micro Sciences Park. It is also in charge of international prospecting.
Sources :
Sara Dubé , Director, Public Affairs , TRPA, 819 378-2887, # 207
Josiane Gagnon, Communication Advisor , IDE Trois-Rivières, 819 374-4061, # 5129